
Amsterdam train map

Amsterdam train system map. Amsterdam train map (Netherlands) to print. Amsterdam train map (Netherlands) to download. Many people travelling to or from Amsterdam will often make use of the train, which not only provides a superb connection with Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, but also different parts of the city, other Dutch towns and cities, plus direct connections with Belgium, France and Germany as its shown in Amsterdam train map. The Amsterdam region is served by a dense suburban rail service provided by NS (Nederlands Spoorwegen). Many stations within Amsterdam lie adjacent to metro stations, and at Amstel and Duivendrecht, cross-platform interchange between the metro and the NS trains is possible

Amsterdam train system map

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There are a number of train tickets and travel passes available, ranging from singles and returns to monthly and annual subscriptions as its shown in Amsterdam train map. International visitors should note that as of 9 July 2014 standard paper tickets are no longer available. It is expected that the majority of residents in the Netherlands will travel using a Public Transport Chip Card (OV-chipkaart). Visitors are also able to purchase an anonymous Public Transport Chip Card, which can be used on all forms of Amsterdam public transport.
Many people travelling to and from Amsterdam take the train, which not only provides a fast and frequent connection to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, but also to other parts of the city, other Dutch cities and direct connections to Belgium, France and Germany as its shown in Amsterdam train map. You must always have a valid ticket when you board a train as you cannot buy one on board.
While trains are generally used for inter-city travel, they can also be useful for getting to a neighborhood a little far from Amsterdam as its shown in Amsterdam train map. Go directly to the train station for timetables and buy your ticket at one of the ticket machines. All Amsterdam train ticket machines in the Netherlands now accept major international credit cards although an additional surcharge of €0.50 applies.