
Vu Amsterdam map

Map of vu Amsterdam. Vu Amsterdam map (Netherlands) to print. Vu Amsterdam map (Netherlands) to download. Vu Amsterdam is an open organization, strongly linked to people and society. Vu Amsterdam campus is located in Amsterdam Zuidas district features all facilities for teaching and research as its shown in vu Amsterdam map. Vu Amsterdam has a clear vision and a clear set of ambitions when it comes to sustainability. Sustainability is an integral part of teaching and research, operations management and the buildings at the vu Amsterdam campus.
Vu Amsterdam campus is a community workspace for start-ups located in the heart of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as its mentioned in vu Amsterdam map and provides easy access to vu Amsterdam research facilities and state of the art laboratories. The close proximity of academic research and education, a university medical center, and a highly international orientated business community offer unique opportunities for innovation.