
Vondelpark Amsterdam map

Map of vondelpark Amsterdam. Vondelpark Amsterdam map (Netherlands) to print. Vondelpark Amsterdam map (Netherlands) to download. Vondelpark is the largest and most-famous park in Amsterdam as its shown in vondelpark Amsterdam map. Vondelpark Amsterdam is one of the favorite spots to go for a stroll, ride along its pathways on a bike, do some sports, have a picnic or relax reading a book. The vondelpark Amsterdam also includes several cafés with charming terraces. With over 10 million visitors a year, Vondelpark is the most popular and most-visited green space in Amsterdam and in the entire country.

Map of vondelpark Amsterdam

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The lush of vondelpark Amsterdam 45-hectare site includes a famous open-air theatre, numerous children playgrounds and several cafés and restaurants, making it a thriving hub of activity in any season as its mentioned in vondelpark Amsterdam map. Unsurprisingly, it is beloved by visitors and locals alike. The Vondelpark opened in 1865 as a fashionable leisure spot for Amsterdam middle class, designed by landscape architect Jan David Zocher. It was originally titled ‘Nieuwe Park’ (literally ‘New Park’), although it was officially renamed to Vondelpark in 1880, after the statue of 17th-century Dutch poet Joost van den Vondel, which had been unveiled in the park some 13 years earlier.