
Gvb Amsterdam map

Gvb map. Gvb Amsterdam map (Netherlands) to print. Gvb Amsterdam map (Netherlands) to download. As the gvb Amsterdam covers three modes of public transport metro, tram, and bus you only need one ticket to access them all. You can buy tickets at all metro stations and the machines' language can be toggled to English, making them very easy to use. Tram and bus operators in gvb Amsterdam map can sell one hour, one day, or 48-hour tickets but they dont accept cash payments.
For information about public transport in Amsterdam, you can contact the GVB Service & Tickets points. There you can obtain all the information you need about tickets and route maps for the entire GVB network in Amsterdam as its shown in gvb Amsterdam map. Our streetcars, buses and subways run daily from 6 a.m. to half past midnight. Between 3am and 7am, our night buses will take you to your destination. For night buses, a special night fare is applied. That said, your GVB card for one day or several days is also valid there.
Throughout the Amsterdam public transport network, you travel using the OV smart card. There are several variants of the OV smart card, so if you stay more than one day in Amsterdam, the one-day or multi-day card is certainly the most convenient and advantageous option. It allows you to use all streetcars, buses and subways in the GVB network without having to pay attention to the time of your connection as its mentioned in gvb Amsterdam map. The one-day card is valid for 24 hours, starting from the first time you use the card. You can then use the GVB public transportation system as many times as you like, within the 24-hour validity period of the card.