
Amsterdam public transport map

Map of Amsterdam public transport. Amsterdam public transport map (Netherlands) to print. Amsterdam public transport map (Netherlands) to download. Amsterdam is easily accessible by public transport from Schiphol Airport as its shown in Amsterdam public transport map. For travel within the city you can buy an Amsterdam Travel Ticket or an Amsterdam & Region Travel Ticket. Amsterdam is growing rapidly. To manage this growth responsibly and ensure that our city remains an attractive and accessible place to live, we need to make more room for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport. Amsterdam government has already made a number of decisions on public transport, which will be implemented over the coming years.

Map of Amsterdam public transport

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An extensive network of superhighways connects Amsterdam with all parts of the Netherlands and with Germany and Belgium. Within the city, since the 1960s, planners have favoured public transport to reduce automobile use. A high-speed metro line opened in 1976, and a new fast rail link to Schiphol entered service in 1988, but trams remain the principal means of transportation in inner Amsterdam, while buses are important in outer districts as its mentioned in Amsterdam public transport map.
Although Amsterdam is a very compact city and ideal to discover by foot, it is always a good idea to find out about its public transport system. The transport system in Amsterdam is used over one million times per day, which is surprising when you compare it to the number of people living in Amsterdam as its shown in Amsterdam public transport map: 820,000 (most of which own a bicycle). Travelling within Amsterdam by public transport is straightforward and convenient. The extensive network is operated by GVB and connects the city's neighbourhoods by train, tram, metro, bus and ferry.
Amsterdam is so condensed, and parking is so expensive that it is unusual for residents to move around the Old Town by car. For this reason, Amsterdam has developed a modern and efficient public transport system as you can see in Amsterdam public transport map. The bus, tram or metro systems are a good option if it rains or if you want to visit the outskirts or are staying far from the historic center of Amsterdam.