
Amsterdam map location

Amsterdam global map. Amsterdam map location (Netherlands) to print. Amsterdam map location (Netherlands) to download. Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands, and this country is located in North-West Europe between Germany in the east, Belgium in the south, and the North Sea in the north and west as its shown in Amsterdam map location. On the map, Amsterdam is located at 52°22' north latitude and 4°53' east longitude (meaning over 52 degrees north of the Equator, which is 0 degrees, and 4 degrees east of London, which was once defined as 0 degrees).

Amsterdam global map

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Amsterdam is part of the province of North Holland and is located in the west of the Netherlands next to the provinces of Utrecht and Flevoland as its shown in Amsterdam map location. The river Amstel terminates in the city centre of Amsterdam and connects to a large number of canals that eventually terminate in the IJ. Amsterdam is situated 2 metres above sea level.
Sometimes foreigners mistakenly think that The Hague is the capital of the Netherlands, because the Dutch government is located there as its shown in Amsterdam map location. Amsterdam is clearly the cultural capital of the Netherlands, though: it has the biggest museums, the leading orchestras, two universities, most national newspapers and a thriving art scene. Amsterdam is a popular tourist destination: 4 million tourists annually come to see the old city center architecture and canals, visit the museums and experience the liberal, international culture.